Sunday, December 7, 2008

'how they met' stories

it should come as no surprise to anyone that i'm a romantic. i "awww" when i see sweet couples on the street, whole-heartedly adore sappy taiwanese dramas (and other chick flicks), and matchmake like its my job (sometimes even successfully :P). one of my favourite things to do is to collect romantic/sweet/unusual "how-they-met" stories - especially when i'm involved haha. no matter how prosaic a 'how-they-met' story seems on the surface, there's always an element of awe when i hear about it - it seems so amazing and wonderful that two people managed to find each other.

i was thinking about this the other day, and thought i'd list out some of the more unusual stories i've heard - and of course, felt like sharing the joy.

in no particular order:
  1. boy meets girl in a cab - boy is the driver and gives girl his number after having a ton of fun flirting. girl actually texts him one day, and sparks fly.
  2. boy is a grad student ta-ing a class, girl is a sweet little undergrad. they go on a date after slight nudging from mutual friends, and the rest is history.
  3. boy and girl meet on a train in a foreign country. they spend summer together, but never exchange contact details. upon returning home, girl realizes she misses boy, and emails all potential name combos at his university until she finds the right one. love finally triumphs, and the missing boy is found.
  4. boy and girl are both separately looking for marriage partners to suit their traditional families. by some strange fate they end up going on a date together, and 3 days later are engaged.
  5. boy and girl are friends in the same dance team. one day she notices he has cute hair; he thinks she stands out from the rest of the girls on the team. after a few disasters, a couple comes together.
  6. girl likes boy from afar forever. she tells him of her love, but he totally rejects her. by some unfortunate circumstances, she ends up having to move into his house, and after several loooong years of mutual existence, a never-ending love is borne.
okay i admit that last one was stolen from ISWAK (it started with a kiss) :P anyone have any other lovely stories to add to my collection?

1 comment:

Mikkel Larsen said...

Guy meets girl on an exhange student trip to another country. They spend the time together and keep in touch for about half a year after he returned home before he decides to drop everything and move to that country to be with her. And 2 years later, he still is! True story.