Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'd rather get skin cancer than be pale.

From postsecret's facebook page. The sad thing is that I've actually heard this from a couple of people before. The lengths people go for beauty is kind of ridiculous. In a little bit of a segue, I wonder when and why being tan became beautiful. Wasn't white skin a pre-requisite for beauty once a long time ago? I remember my mom being really proud of my fair skin when I was little - my skin was extremely pale. She was pretty upset when I came home from summer camp one year, unintentionally tanned from hours outdoors playing frisbee and watching the clouds go by during "mandatory fun" activities. To this day, my mom prizes her fair skin, and rues it when my sister and I tan.

Okay, on another sidenote - my flatmates are watching fight club right now, and I'm sitting in the living room with them. I have decided - this is not my kind of movie. though I do understand how it became a cult flick.

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