I was in the middle of this very sweet chick lit book the other day, when I came across the cutest message handwritten onto the page. It was right after a potentially crazy chapter signaling that obstacles were about to befall the heroine of the novel. I took a picture of it -
I'm usually the kind of girl that hates it when people write in their books or crease the spines, and I'm not fond of the abbreviation "Ur", but I have to admit that I loved this little message - it was so adorable! A welcome surprise :) And it definitely made me want to continue on reading - perhaps even more than the plot of the book itself. You can tell it's written by a girl - the handwriting is round and pretty, and spaced evenly enough that it looks girly. And even without the handwriting - the smilie face tells it all.
To whoever who wrote this - I'll never know who you are, but I love that you cared enough about this book and its future readers to encourage them to keep on with the book. Thanks - your message definitely helped.
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