Monday, September 1, 2008


I've had my classic clickwheel iPod since I was an innocent little first-year in college. I've always been the clumsy type, so my dad got me a hard plastic case to go around it. The case has protected my poor iPod from thousands of potential breakages and scratches, but it also makes the iPod look and feel a little like a brick. Especially since it's a second generation iPod - it's sleek for it's time, but it's still a little heavy. I love my iPod, but I think it might be time for me to get a new one - the new models are much thinner and lighter - and let's face it, more stylish. Other perks - a much longer battery life (mine currently runs for all of 6 hours, MAYBE) and the ability to play videos...which means that I can watch my favourite taiwanese dramas on the go haha.

So I was looking at the different types of iPods last night, and I like both the Classic and the Nano.

The new iPod Classic (formerly the video iPod, I think) is really pretty. It's pretty thin - much thinner than the version I have now, and has a nice 2.5 or 3 inch screen. And apparently it's had abit of a feature overhaul - well in four years, Apple's got to have done something, right? I've heard that it's much easier to manipulate songs and the equalizers and all of that cool stuff on the new iPod. It also has a ton of more storage space (80GB or 160GB) - I only have a little more than 9GB of songs, but videos probably will take up a lot more room no? And the battery life is 30-40 hours long - which is leaps and bounds ahead of my worn-down battery! On the negative side, a review says that the new iPod doesn't work with any of the old docking platforms - which is a problem since we have so many of them! - and doesn't have the best sound quality. The latter is okay with me - as long as I can hear the song, and it's not distorted, that's fine. Sells for around USD 250.

The iPod Nano is also an option. Originally I clicked on the review as kind of a joke, but after reading its specs, I'm starting to seriously think about it. It's smaller than the Classic, which is awesome, but I'm not sure that I like how wide it is. Nonetheless, it has all the features of the iPod, with the exception of a marginally smaller screen and a smaller clickwheel. It's battery life is around 24 hours...not bad. A big negative is that it only has 8GB of storage...It's less than USD 200 though, which is nice.

Overall, I think the iPod Classic is a better deal, and has most of what I'm looking for. I'm not someone who needs to be able to wholely control and understand my technology (though a little bit of customization is okay :P). I'm looking for a simple little mp3 player that plays the music and videos I want to hear, that I don't have to charge every 10 minutes, that holds all that I need to store in it. I use iTunes, so there's really no point for me get a non-Apple mp3 player. Yup, an iPod Classic it shall be - as soon as my old one breaks.


Q said...

woohoo -- welcome to the latest generation of ipods!! (slash i love my iphone and would totally recommend it if you had the cash/convenience in your cell phone plan)

dwong said...

I was reading a blog which referenced the new iPod nanos when they were first released. The writer of the blog nicknamed it the "iPod Fatty", and Pam still calls it this today, every single time she sees one.

This nonsensical story brought to you today by the number "exhaustion". </sesamestreet>