Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin is McCain's running mate

McCain has finally chosen his running mate - the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. She's pretty conservative - pro-life, pro-Christianity, and I think pro-guns as well (not sure) - and will probably help McCain's case with the conservatives of his party. Surprisingly, Palin is also known to be a reformer - someone bold who can help McCain make the changes he wants in the US government. Not to mention - she's a she. It's kind of mindblowing, this choice of McCain's. Think about it - if Obama wins, the US will have its first black president, and if McCain wins, the US will have its first female vice-president. We've returned to the battle of the firsts started by the face-off between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama all over again.

At the same time, I can't help but feel that both presidential candidates are hedging their bets, so to speak. Obama's choice for vp, senator Joe Biden from Delaware, has been around Washington for quite a while - someone with experience that can balance Obama's youth. Similarly, McCain's pick is young on the political scene...Hm. This race is going to be interesting.

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